Sunday, November 21, 2010


I feel like I have a balloon in my belly...  It may not look as bad as it feels - and smells.  (We're talking hellacious gas, I'm sorry to say.) But there is a difference: 1 whole extra inch across my belly button and it's crampy and uncomfortable.

 I really am at a loss for what is causing the reaction.  I ate out 3x this weekend, which was a break through for me in not making myself a recluse for the sake of 'paleo', but I honestly can't find much suspect in the choices.  Help!

1) I baked this last week... but there was about another pound of this mix that I have eaten.  Maybe too much brussell sprouts is the culprit. I mean, the gas thing has been present since I started eating on this. 
There are also snap peas in there, which maybe are a legume and so really not a desirable choice?

2) the Yerba Mate'  - I know that it is supposed to be very healthy for digestion, but I am still suspicious of it.  I like it though, and don't want to be prejudiced toward it, so while I don't drink it every day, I've still been drinking it, including today.

3) Dining out #1 Friday, Souplantation - I stuck to the raw veggies with oil and vinegar.  I ate two big salads, but didn't put anything unusual in it. I did have a bite of lemon mousse though; it was not worth the bite.  It was probably cream based with artificial sweetener.

4) Dining out #2 Saturday, Barbeque:  I went for salad again with Italian dressing and Brisket, no sauce....

5) Dining out #3 This afternoon, Chipotle:  Chicken 'Salad' (it was more like a burrito without the tortilla)- lettuce, peppers and onions, chicken, salsa, and guacamole.  I eat all of that at home.

6)  Paleo "Cookie Dough" - so good. This is actually just extra crust from my paleo cheesecake the other day.  I thought I would make it into a snack bar or cookies, but before I could figure out what to make with it I ate the whole tupperware raw. It was delicious, but maybe not a good choice.  Ingredients: almonds, dates, coconut oil, almond milk, baking soda, vanilla, and an egg.  It's been in my fridge since Thursday. Maybe raw eggs don't keep that long.  (Not to mention I should know better than to eat raw eggs, but I like it, and I figure if it was ok for Gaston, why shouldn't it be okay for me).
Well, if raw eggs don't keep, then I should throw out my homemade mayo from last week too.

I have no idea where the problem is, but I would like A LOT to avoid it in the future. Ideas?  Where do you think the problem is?


  1. Brussels sprouts do this to me ;(

  2. THANK YOU! I'm glad I'm not crazy. I don't think I'm ever eating them again. And just last week I was thinking, "Poor brussell sprouts, they're not so bad, why people wanna hate on em?" ha ha now I know!

  3. Maybe the combination of everything, but like we talked about, the Brussels sprouts seem suspicious to me. They're definitely on the list of more gassy vechoes. As for the raw eggs in the cookie dough, they should keep for a while. I keep dough in the fridge for up to a week or more andhave never had a problem. Don't know about the mayo, though. I think you'd be able to assess that by least a little more easily than with the dough. Hope you're feeling better!
