Friday, January 20, 2012

Goal Setting 2012

I kind of love putting my head down, blinders on, and doing my thing. It's liberating.
It's when I'm looking around at others and comparing that I start to lose focus and freak out about where I'm at and how far I have to go.  OR worse.  I start getting cocky - "yeah! better than you. Look how awesome I am."  Either side is a set up for failure, not to mention $h*tty character, and there will be none of that here.

It is me against myself. every day.
setting out to be better than me yesterday.

The list of things to work on seems to grow daily, but I must start somewhere. Goals and Plan to achieve them.

A Few to Get Started:
Shoulder Press 100#
Deadlift 265#
Back Squat 235#
Squat Clean 160#, but if I can power clean it, I'll take that too!
Jerk 155#
Snatch 115#
400m run 1:10
500m row 1:50
2 Handstand Pushups full ROM
1:20 Hanstand Hold (wall)
1 Muscle up on rings
4 Bar Muscle ups
25 hand release pushups
Max pullups 35
Max ringdips 15
Hanstand Walk 5 ft.


  1. Hmmm...goal setting is something I've struggled with, especially with CrossFit. You've inspired me. I will do this.

    1. Yeah! Can't wait to see what's on your list!
