This is definitely not the most ascetically pleasing post. Sorry! Guess it's more for my own comparison of where I started and where I'm at with my goals so far.
For the passerby, just check out all the lines and see how much I have crossed off my list. Fun!
Only TWO of my original goals from January remain!
I have 13 goals still remaining for the next almost 3 months, but I'm getting excitingly close to several of them :)
A Few to Get Started:
Set in January2012
400m run 1:10
Max L sit 60 sec
*red ones added by March
Mid Year 2012 Crossfit Goals:
This is where I'd hope to be by the end of the year.
Press 105#
Deadlift 300#
Clean & Jerk 165#
Snatch 135#
400m run 1:10
Max ringdips 20
Max L sit 60 sec (gah! I'm only 3 sec short!)
Complete Mini Amanda: 7-5-3 Muscle Ups, 95# Squat Snatches
1 Mile run sub 7:01
21 kipping Hand Stand Pushups
5 strict Hand stand pushups
3 consecutive muscle ups
2 strict chest to bar pull ups (palms forward)
It’s the October Update:
Look at everything already accomplished!
3 months to go!
Shoulder press 100#
Deadlift 285#
Back Squat 250#
Squat Clean 170.5#
Jerk 163#
400m run 1:20 hmph!
Max Pullups 35
The 1st 20 were butterfly J
Max ringdips 15
Max L-sit – not tested since mid year which was 57 sec.
Mini Amanda – not yet attempted but totally possible on a good muscle up day
1 Mile – not getting there 7:38 most recently
2 strict HSPU's
2 muscle ups in a row… close!
I have yet to test the rest!
Analysis: 4 months of a strength program by Casey is totally paying off!! I've made very satisfactory gains on my lifts this year so far. With the strength & extra body weight though I'm not getting faster, but I haven't really lost much ground there, and trust it will come back to balance. Metcon's are pukeworthy lately, but I'm happy to get reacquainted with being comfortable being uncomfortable there.
My next training cycle will focus on gymnastics and I'll get to train and test more of these goals - I'm excited to see the fruits of a concentrated program in that area as well!
I'm grateful to see the hard work paying off. I'm grateful for all the progress I still get to see at age 33.
I'm also thankful for all the people that get negative about what's possible as we "get older" and with injuries, or who size up my limits based on my lack of lifelong athletic ability and development.
I'm grateful for all that, because that is fuel to me! I'm fueled and strengthened also by all the people who believe in me and tell me every day how much I CAN! I love learning to take all of it and use it for gain.
So much of all of this sport... and life too... is a mental game! Stronger today than yesterday!
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